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Friday, 14 February 2014

13.02.2014 AP Re-organisation Bill Introduced proof. · version 1

(Brief Record of Proceedings)
Thursday, February 13, 2014/Magha 24, 1935 (Saka)
No. 352
11.00 A.M.
 1. Obituary Reference
The Speaker made reference to the passing away of Shri Sita Ram Singh, member of the Fourteenth Lok Sabha.
Thereafter, members stood in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed.
11.05 A.M.
2. Starred Question
Starred Question No. 321 was orally answered.
(Due to interruptions, Lok Sabha adjourned at 11.07 A.M.
and re-assembled at 12.00 Noon).
Replies to Starred Question Nos. 322–340 were laid on the Table.
3. Unstarred Questions
Replies to Unstarred Question Nos. 3539–3768 were laid were laid on the Table.
12.00 Noon
4. Government Bill – Introduced
The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2014
(Due to interruptions, Lok Sabha adjourned at 12.02 P.M.
and re-assembled at 2.00 P.M.).

2.00 P.M .
5. Suspension of members from the service of the House under Rule 374A
The Speaker named the following members and they stood automatically suspended from the service of the House for five consecutive sittings of the House, i.e., 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 February, 2014 under Rule 374A:-
1. Shri Sabbam Hari
2. Shri Anantha Venkatarami Reddy
3. Dr. Niramalli Sivaprasad
4. Shri Rayapati Sambasiva Rao
5. Shri Nimmala Kristappa
6. Shri Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
7. Shri Modugula Venugopala Reddy
8. Shri S.P.Y. Reddy
9. Shri Konakalla Narayana Rao
10. Shri M. Rajamohan Reddy
11. Shri Magunta Sreenivasulu Reddy
12. Shri V. Aruna Kumar
13. Shri A. Sai Pratap
14. Shri L. Raja Gopal
15. Shri K.R.G. Reddy
16. Shri Gutha Sukhender Reddy
2.02 P.M.
6. Announcement by the Speaker

Hon'ble Speaker observed that she had received notices of Motion of No- Confidence in Council of Ministers. However, as the House was not in order, she was not in a position to count the 50 members.
The notices could not, therefore, be brought before the House as it was not in order.
(Due to interruptions, Lok Sabha adjourned at 2.03 P.M.
and re-assembled at 3.00 P.M.)
3.01 P.M.
(Due to continued interruptions, Lok Sabha adjourned till 11.00 A.M.
on Monday, the 17th February, 2014.)